YOST Inaugural Symposium, May 14-15, 2019: “Indie Opera”

May 14: Sudler Hall (W.L. Harkness Hall, R. 201 (100 Wall Street)
12:45p Welcome (Gundula Kreuzer)

Screening: Dog Days (David T. Little and Royce Vavrek, 2012)

Co-produced by Peak Performances@Montlair State University and Beth Morrison Projects
Directed by Robert Woodruff
Conducted by Alan Pierson
Featuring Newspeak and James Bobick, Marnie Breckendridge, Cherry Duke, John Kelly, Michael Marcotte, Peter Tantsits, and Lauren Worsham
Scenic and projection design by Jim Findlay
Costume design by Vita Tzykun
Lighting design by Chris Kuhl

coffee break

Panel discussion: Creating Opera Today—Dog Days in Perspective

Chair: Gundula Kreuzer
Panelists: David T. Little, Beth Morrison, Royce Vavrek, Robert Woodruff

break and snacks

Lightning talks and panel discussion I: Elements of Contemporary Opera

Chair: Kamala Schelling
Panelists: David Gutkin, Frances Pollock, Alexander K. Rothe, Camilla Tassi

Camilla Tassi: “The Visual Continuo Beyond a Trend in Opera: Projection Design as a Musical Instrument”
Frances Pollock: “The Challenges of Relevancy: Considering Politics and Opera”
Alexander K. Rothe: “Contemporary Opera, Créolité, and Gesture”
David Gutkin: “The Harlem Opera Society’s New Thing”

Respondent: Marco Ladd

dinner @ Sitar for conference participants and helpers
May 15: Stoeckel Hall, R. 106 (469 College Street)

Lightning talks and panel discussion II: “Whence and Wither ‘Indie Opera’?”

Chair: Gundula Kreuzer
Panelists: Axel Englund, Wayne Heisler, Ryan Minor, W. Anthony Sheppard

Axel Englund: “Suffering Performance: Physical Pain in Opera”
Ryan Minor: “Queering the Pitch? Opera, Straightness, and Timbre”
Wayne Heisler: “‘Once it’s happening, do we even care?’: Jukebox-ish Indie Opera”
W. Anthony Sheppard: “Indie Opera: Out of the Pit and Into the Audience”

Respondent: Alessandra Campana

coffee break

Workshop: Opera Studies and ‘Indie Opera’ Today

Discussion of pre-circulated readings and the potential for future YOST workshops, open to anyone who has done the readings. Please pre-register by emailing gundula.kreuzer@yale.edu.

Lunch for participants of the workshop


Alessandra Campana
Tufts University: Associate Professor

Axel Englund
Stockholm University: Wallenberg Academy Fellow in Literature; Princeton University; Visiting Scholar, Department of German

David Gutkin
Johns Hopkins University, Peabody Institute of Music: Assistant Professor, Musicology

Wayne Heisler
The College of New Jersey: Professor of Historical and Cultural Studies in Music

Gundula Kreuzer
Yale University: Professor of Music

Marco Ladd
Yale University: Finishing PhD Student; Cambridge University: Junior Research Fellow

David T. Little
Composer: https://davidtlittle.com/

Ryan Minor
Stony Brook University, SUNY: Associate Professor, Music History and Theory

Beth Morrison
Opera-Theater Producer; President and Creative Producer of Beth Morrison Projects: https://www.bethmorrisonprojects.org/

Frances Pollock
Composer; Yale School of Music student: https://www.francespollock.com/

Alexander K. Rothe
Columbia University: Core Lecturer, Music Humanities

Kamala Schelling
The Metropolitan Opera: Educational Content Manager

W. Anthony Sheppard
Williams College: Marylin & Arthur Levitt Professor of Music

Camilla Tassi
Music-Centered Projection Designer and Soprano; Yale School of Drama: https://www.camillatassi.com/

Royce Vavrek
Librettist: http://www.roycevavrek.com/

Robert Woodruff
Director; Yale School of Drama: Lecturer in Directing